Yoga for the blind
Enjoy a yoga activity with auditory feedback and non-visual clues with Yogini Sol
Welcome to Yogini Sol’s Yoga for the Blind, where I strive to make yoga accessible for everyone, including people with visual impairments. My specialized yoga classes are designed to empower students with limited or no sight, helping them experience the magic of yoga and enjoy its numerous benefits for both physical and mental health.
Yoga is for everyone but the resources are limited for the visually impaired and blind when it comes to audio descriptive content. I want to change that, that’s why I created this course.

Yogini Sol’s approach to yoga for the visually impaired
As an experienced yoga instructor, I understand the challenges faced by people with visual impairments when it comes to participating in physical activities. I have developed a unique approach to make yoga accessible, incorporating auditory feedback, nonvisual cues, and tactile guidance to help blind students navigate through various yoga poses.
Yoga for the blind
My yoga class for the visually impaired is divided in three levels. The first level is about discovery: how it feels and how it feels for your body and what you can expect from the practice. The second level is about creating more flows and combining more postures that you are comfortable with. Finally, the third level is about exploring longer classes and more sequencing.
Yoga for the blind – Level 1
This level 1 Yoga for the visually impaired or blind is your first step in discovering the power of yoga. It includes 10 thirty-minute yoga videos and 4 meditations. My goal is to prepare you, through these 3 levels, for any yoga class!
This is your first step in discovering your inner peace, letting go and loving yourself. I’m so excited to embark on this journey with you and know that I’m always here for support you!
At Your Pace
Yoga For The Blind – Level 1
$46.99 USD
Yoga for the Blind – Level 2
Welcome to Level 2 of Yoga for the Visually Impaired or Blind! Ready to put the skills you learned in Level 1 to practice? In this level we will be creating more flows, combining together the postures we learned. Not to mention, we will also develop our balance and the activation of our muscles. Let’s begin!
At Your Pace
Yoga For The Blind – Level 2
$56.99 USD
Yoga for the Blind – Level 3
What an exciting moment! You’re ready for the 3rd and final level. We will be exploring longer classes, more sequencing, more tools to deal with anxiety and we will top it all off with a unique Bhakti Yoga experience! Join me and let’s embrace our radiant selves!
At Your Pace
Yoga For The Blind – Level 3
$56.99 USD
Learn more about yoga for the blind
What is yoga for the blind?
Yoga for the Blind is a specialized program designed to make yoga accessible for people with visual impairments. It focuses on auditory feedback and nonvisual cues to help students with limited or no sight participate in yoga classes and enjoy the benefits of yoga.
What is eye-free yoga?
Eyes-Free Yoga classes focus on providing auditory-only feedback, enabling blind people to participate in a comfortable setting without feeling overwhelmed by visual feedback. By using a combination of clear verbal instructions and audio feedback, Yogini Sol guide students through frequent yoga postures, ensuring a safe and effective yoga practice.
Who developed the concept of eyes-free yoga?
Eyes-Free Yoga was developed by Kyle Rector, a doctoral student in Human-Computer Interaction. Rector’s research on Accessible Movement-Based Games and his study published in the Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness contributed to the development of this inclusive yoga approach.
Accessibility and methods
I recognize the importance of accessibility and have researched various methods to make yoga accessible for people with disabilities. My yoga classes are designed based on previous studies and user feedback, ensuring a seamless experience for people with vision impairment.
As a yoga instructor, I guide students through each position, providing real-time feedback on body positions and angles. For example, students may be instructed to form a 90-degree angle with their legs or maintain a 160-degree angle with their arm spread.
What equipment do I need for my yoga class for the visually impaired?
For our visually impaired students, we recommend using a rectangular towel or a specially designed yoga mat with tactile markers to help with proper positioning and alignment during class. This added layer of guidance provides an even more inclusive and accessible yoga experience.
Do you offer specialized yoga classes?
We also offer specialized yoga classes such as Chair Yoga and props to accommodate various types of impairments and disabilities. These classes focus on modified yoga postures and provide additional support and guidance for students with unique needs.
What is embodied interaction?
My yoga classes for the blind prioritize embodied interaction, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of yoga through physical postures and movements. This approach helps students with impaired vision to build a strong foundation in yoga, improve their daily activities, and experience the healing benefits of yoga practice.
How do yoga Instructors teach yoga to blind students?
Yoga instructors use auditory-only feedback, verbal instructions, and audio cues to guide visually impaired students through various yoga poses. We provide real-time feedback on body positions and angles, ensuring a safe and accessible yoga experience.
Can people with visual impairments practice yoga without sighted assistance?
Yes, with the right guidance and support from experienced yoga teachers, people with visual impairments can practice yoga independently. The use of auditory feedback, tactile markers on yoga mats, and specialized teaching methods enable them to participate in yoga classes without sighted assistance.
What types of feedback are used in yoga for the blind?
In addition to auditory feedback, Yoga for the Blind can also incorporate vibrotactile feedback, which provides tactile cues through vibrations. This helps visually impaired students understand their body position, limb movements, and yoga postures more effectively.
Are online yoga classes available for visually impaired students?
Yes, online yoga classes are available for visually impaired students, ensuring the same level of accessibility and support as in-person classes.
What is HERU Yoga?
HERU Yoga is a specialized yoga class designed for people with disabilities, including those with visual impairments. It focuses on modifying traditional yoga poses and providing additional guidance to accommodate various types of impairments.
Can a blind person use a regular yoga mat?
A blind person can use a regular yoga mat, but it is recommended to use a rectangular towel or a specially designed yoga mat with tactile markers for better positioning and alignment.
Are there any specific yoga poses recommended for visually impaired students?
Visually impaired students can practice most yoga poses with proper guidance. Basic yoga poses, such as Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), can be modified and taught to visually impaired students using auditory feedback and tactile cues.
How does yoga for the blind help improve daily activities for visually impaired people?
Yoga for the Blind promotes physical and mental well-being, increases body awareness, and improves balance and coordination. These benefits can positively impact daily activities for visually impaired people, making them more confident and independent.
Join Yogini Sol and experience the transformative effects of yoga tailored specifically for people with visual impairments. I am committed to providing a platform for everyone to enjoy the benefits of yoga, regardless of their level of experience or physical abilities.
Sign up for a beginner yoga class for the visually impaired today and begin your journey towards a healthier, happier life.