Hi ! We’re Jeremy and Mya and this is our journey towards living in an ambulance full-time!
I, Mya, have been day dreaming about Van Lifing since around 2017! When I met Jeremy in 2019 just after my near death experience (you can learn more about what happened here: How I almost died ) I expressed to him that I’ve had this dream but never had found the courage to take action. This was the first time he had heard about Van Life and he felt intrigued about it! After a year full of healing, connection and spiritual growth, I knew I had to make some big aligned action towards living the life that I wanted. Life is HELLA short, I couldn’t possibly think of living it the way I was much longer. I quit college and started living on my own terms. In 2020, I became self-employed as a yoga teacher and a life coach! June 2021 at 19 years old, that’s when the vision came to life!

May 31st 2021, on Jeremy’s birthday, we were camping and Jeremy said “Why don’t we Van Life now!”. The next day, I felt an intuitive urge to go on Facebook Market Place and the first add I see is this beauty!
We had been looking for the “perfect vehicle” for months and it was so magical that the perfect vehicle showed up when we both finally said that we were ALL IN and ready! We bought it THAT SAME DAY!
If you’re interested in learning more about the process and how the ambulance looked like at the beginning: Ambulance tour!
With ZERO experience but A LOT of ideas, we started drawing, brainstorming and the demolition! Jeremy was very enthusiastic about getting all of the ambulance’s accessories and structure out. For me, I had a harder time letting go because I wanted to reuse as much of the material as possible and it just felt weird to destroy something I had just spent so much money on! In the end, I feel so grateful for Jer’s confidence in this step because he allowed the ball to start rolling: Demolition vlog !
Follow our journey on youtube: